High Altitude Hiking Tours

20200806 151146

High altitude hiking tours from 2500m

20200712 133405
All tours are designed for adults.
These unforgettable tours will make you to explore these natural wonders you should be sure footed and fit enough to complete a 4-6h hike. You will enjoy the unique panorama over glaciers and to the peaks in the area.There are no tours in the lowlands and hills. You don`t hike on glaciers.  (the cross in the picture is not the tour goal!)

Tour instructor:  Bühler Heidi, 
Working on hanging rope, level 1 SBV cert. hiking guide, cert,
Endurance sports coach, for mountain sport, cert. avalanche training SMT-SBV winter 3 cert.  WSL-SLF snow and avalanches A.

2024 Mai-November

Data: Mai - Oktober: Daily. Data individually on request et vos préférences.

Start: 9 a.m. End: 4.30 p.m.
Registration until 5p.m. the day before

Look at "Bergwander-Touren" in german
Individual data on request. 

Price:from Fr. 125.- par person from 3 Persones
Price:  in the navigation bar
Paying participants wanted
(Photo credits: Heidi Bühler and obkgggmg)

Mountain huts overnight stay

20220611 112252
Workshop-Glaciers the water reservoirs of the earth.
Microplastic particles and how much water does a person need in  two days?

You experience nature up close by sleeping in a mountain hotel in untouched nature under the starry sky. They carry all the necessities for  this  stay with them themeselves. They set up their tent and cook their own dinner and breakfast coffee. They pay special attention to their water consumption. A minimum consumption that cannot be undercut.
They hike to the glaciers, the largest water reservoir tn the Alps, where they can see the retreat of the perpetual ice. You don`t hike on glaciers. You see the scree left behind by the glacier and at the same time you see the increase in grazing area for wild animals and sheep as nature creates itself. The retreat of the glaciers also promotes biodiversity where 50 jears ago there was a desert, you can now hike through a secluded mountain valley.
We will devote most of our time to our main topic, microplastics, which will occupy us over the next few decades. The rained-off microparticles on the glacier get into our water cycle through the meltwater to the oceans and back again.

Tour instructor: Heidi Buehler, hiking guide, cert.

Mai-Oktober: Dates individual on request.

1 Day Workshop Tour: Fr.185.- par person de 2 persons
Included: Tour guide zert, Workshop dokuments,
Exclusive: Rental material, travel expenses, food and drinks
Paying participants wanted

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